After a lot of thought I decided to start a blog to showcase all the work we've been doing this year. A16 is at home for school this year and doing very well. The title of this blog, A Meaningful Day refers to a new buzzword in the disabilities community. It refers to a type of program for people with disabilites who for whatever reason are not in supported employment or workshops. Instead they have chosen to develop their own program based on their interests--to create a meaningful day for themselves. This type of program is very individulized. It can include activities like community outings, volunteering, arts and crafts programs, shopping, movies, and learning about new things of interest. It can take place in the individual's home or in a community setting. This type of program is usually implemented after high school. However, A16 and I thought now would be a good time to start.
I hope to use this blog to showcase A16's schoolwork, including lapbooks, and show how we are creating a meaningful day program.
Blog, She Wrote has moved!
12 years ago
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